Progressive Web App

We utilize the full extent of this emerging technology to deliver uniform app-like look & feel. Achieving smooth , near-native user interface and experience in a much light weight cost effective model.

C-Bit delivers an application with advanced cashing and offline capabilities capable of increasing user engagememnt, page views and lower bounce rate while offering an immersive user experience

With our vast knowledge in this technology, We seamlessly bridge the gab between mobile applications and web applications, by doing so Web Applications are able to function on mobile devices without any issues providing a seamless browsing experience to your users.

C-Bit provides scalable and cost effective solutions to help your business grow, by doing so we help you save up to 75% of the cost of a Native Application both in development and maintenance

C-Bit’s PWA Solutions Provides Numerous Advantages To Your Company

pwa advantages

68% Increase of mobile traffic

pwa advantages

15-fold improvement of load and installation speed

pwa advantages

25-times reduced use of device storage

pwa advantages

52% average conversion increase

pwa advantages

78% average session increase

pwa advantages

95% engagement increase

pwa advantages

42.86% lower bounce rate when compared to that of mobile web applications

pwa advantages

133.67% increase in page views

You're In Good Company

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